LEAD Journal is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes articles, case notes and documents of interest to professionals, practitioners, researchers, students and policy-makers in the field of international and regional environmental law and domestic environmental laws of developing countries. It emphasises a comparative approach to the study of environmental law and is the only journal in the field to carry a North-South focus. It is unique in providing perspectives from both developed and developing countries. Bearing in mind the principles of “sustainable development”, LEAD Journal also solicits writings which incorporate related concerns, such as human rights and trade, in the study of environmental management, thus adopting a contextual approach to the examination of environmental issues. LEAD Journal encourages scholarship which combine theoretical and practical approaches to the study of environmental law and practice.
LEAD Journal currently offers more than 200 articles and other documents in free and open access, under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Unported License. LEAD Journal does not only permit any users to read and download our content, but also encourages the distribution and dissemination of its content, as long as authors are properly acknowledged and cited.
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Most environmental problems are transboundary in nature with one State’s policies and practices often resulting in environmental change elsewhere. Individual environmental regimes – local, national, regional or international – cannot be studied in isolation from one another. LEAD Journal seeks to fill the need for a comparative approach to environmental law. LEAD Journal is the only journal to adopt such a comparative perspective on environmental law issues from a North-South perspective. Its timely and incisive analysis of the experiences of different countries and of the interplay between different environmental regimes aids the development of more beneficial and fitting environmental approaches and procedures at both international and national level. In keeping with its comparative focus, it regularly publishes important environmental legislations and documents from regional and national bodies.
Further, LEAD Journal is the only international law journal to provide a forum for analysis of environmental regimes in developing countries and for examination of North-South dimensions in the development and implementation of environmental law. It will provide perspectives from both developed and developing countries.
Bearing in mind the principles of “sustainable development”, LEAD Journal solicits writings which incorporate related concerns, such as human rights and trade, in the study of environmental management, thus adopting a contextual approach to the examination of environmental issues. LEAD Journal is pioneering in its attempt to lay equal emphasis on both theoretical and practical approaches to the study of environmental law and practice.

LEAD Journal is designed for both academics and practitioners and has a wide circulation in both the developed and developing world. It is an invaluable resource for researchers, policy-makers, lawyers, judges, NGOs and students interested in:
- information on environmental law, policy and practice at local, national, regional and international levels;
- analysis of the development and implementation of environmental law at these levels;
- examining the linkages between environmental problems and other global issues.
The journal specifically seeks to foster scholarship in following areas:
- Comparative approaches to the study of international environmental law, with a special emphasis on North-South issues.
- Regional environmental law regimes among developing countries.
- Implementation of international environmental law at regional and national levels.
- Influence of international environmental law on national and regional environmental law regimes, and cross-fertilisation.
- Cross-sectoral analysis in the study of environmental law, especially study of the relationship between environment and trade, property rights, intellectual property and human rights.
LEAD Journal comprises commissioned as well as unsolicited articles by leading academics and practitioners in the fields of international and environmental law, selected national and regional documents, case notes. It is published biannually and on occasion brings out thematic issues.
Since 2005, LEAD Journal has published over 150 articles, 50 comments and other selected documents, as well as more than 50 book reviews.
LEAD Journal is indexed in:
- Directory of Open Access Journals
- Heinonline
- Manupatra, Genamics JournalSeek
- International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
- Open J-Gate
- Scopus